The clothing you wear sends a message about your personality. It is a way to show others who you are and what you are all about. Yet so often we hide away behind black clothing, scared to wear colour, scared to show off our figures and body shape. I know I used to do this. Often we don't know what body shape we are and what is a style personality.
I created Sparkling Ginger because I spent so many years wanting to wear colourful clothes and the styles I wanted but I was scared to, worried I would stand out too much. I spent many a time, sat on the edge of the bed, crying as I just felt I didn't fit in. I was always larger in size (and believe it or not, in height) as a teenager and always struggled with self confidence, my image. I always wanted to wear clothes and colours I loved but equally wanted to hide away and not stand out.
When I worked in the corporate world I just wore black and grey. I hid! In fact I would doing anything to blend into the background but then something clicked and I decided I wanted to be me.
I now help my clients gain back their confidence, confidence we just lose over the years. We lose who we are. I help to develop your style, I motivate you to wear the colours that you love, the ones that suit you and reflect your own unique individuality no matter what shape or size you are.
In fact I help you to look
But more importantly I believe that everyone should be able to wear what they love, regardless of size and shape. Once you have learnt your own rules of Colour Shape and Style I firmly believe that you can dress the way you love with confidence, helping you shine and smile.
I help my clients to fall back in love with themselves and then their clothes.
Styling for a curvy figure is my speciality and my passion. I spent years myself not thinking I could wear certain colours, shape and styles. I felt I should hide away under grey shapeless clothes. Now I make sure I show that I have a waist.
My background is in design, styling, visual merchandising and I have always had a passion for Colour, Style and Clothing and Fabrics.
My Studio is based in Basingstoke so come along and see my amazing green floor! All sessions can also be carried out online so no problem if you are not local to me.
I am independent as I believe the sessions should be about YOU and not just the process.
For wardrobe sessions at your home I cover a wide area such as Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey. But just ask if you are further away plus I offer online sessions.
So who is Jo Marshall?
I started my design and colour career with my degree in Printed Textile and Fashion, many moons ago.
I worked freelance selling work to brands such as Speedo and Calvin Klein and greeting card companies. This also took me into visual merchandising working for Marks and Spencers.
Colour and print has always been my passion which led me into being a personal stylist.​

This is

I love talking, spots and dots, scarves (because they always fit), jewellery, especially necklaces.
I love 40's and 50's style dresses.
I love trainers even though I have a collection of heels.
My favourite films are still Annie and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
My hair is a different colour every couple of months!
My husband calls me a magpie (and often makes squawking noises) as I home in on anything sparkly or colourful in a shop.
I'm a sucker for old furniture thinking I can turn it into something new.
My favourite colour combo is Coral and Aqua.
Pinapples, Flamingos and Melons are a favourite too.
I love Rum!
And finally, I want to learn how to play the double bass.
"I completed a colour and style session with Jo, what a fabulous day! Jo spent a lot of time explaining and showing the colours that worked with my skin tone and explaining the ones that did not and then proceeded to work through my body shape and suggested the perfect clothes that would work well with my figure. A very enjoyable day, Jo was relaxed in her style of explaining to me why things would work / would not work and I would recommend anyone to spend a day with Jo, the difference she has made to my dress sense / wardrobe has been fantastic! " Emma