Discover Your Style Workshop
Next Workshop Date: Sat 5th March 2022
Time: 10.30am to 1pm
Do you struggle to find clothes that you love?
Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes that you never wear?
Do you think you have no style?
Do you want to dress like a rock chick but always
seem to be more or a t-shirt and jeans kind girl ?
In this workshop you will discover your style, find out
what patterns and colours you are attracted to, what jewellery, fabrics and shapes.
Is it spots, stripes, frills, simplicity, elegant, colourful
or maybe sequins?
I will show you how to bring everything together so
that you only buy clothes that suit you, rather than
clothes than sit in the wardrobe and are
never worn.
Imagine having everything in your wardrobe that
makes you feel and look amazing.

What The Workshop Covers
In the workshop we will look at your style personality and you begin to see why you always reach for the same patterns and shape clothes. I explain why some people will always reach for heels and a pencil skirt and some reach for trainers and a 1950's dress.
By the end of it, you will have discovered your style. You learn what to avoid but most importantly, you learn and understand why you buy and love certain clothes. It also helps you understand why you dont wear certain things even though you buy them.
Understanding your style helps you save money. You learn to only buy the things that are right for you. Your wardrobe then becomes filled with only the things that you wear over and over again and not full of clothes with the tags still on.
On the day:
The workshop will be a small group of a max of 4 people, held in my garden studio in Basingstoke, Hampshire
We start with nice cup of tea or coffee, while I talk through some key style examples
You receive a personal style booklet with styling tips about your style
Next we talk through the different style personalities - What is a style personality I hear you ask........ well I will explain all in the workshop
We discover your style personality based on your likes and dislikes
Then the creative part starts where we get out the glue, scissors and create your own style guide for you to take away. This then acts as a guide each time you buy new clothes.
Your Course Cost: £45
**Please make sure you add to your email safe list otherwise your booking details could go into your spam emails**
*when purchasing your ticket in the shop, at the shipping option, please select the 'In Studio Session' to ensure you are not charged postage on this workshop*
Please contact me for info or further details: Jo Marshall tel:07834164818